>we used to have deep games in the action combat world, DMC series, Bayonetta, MGR >This From bullshit gets popular thanks to its artificial difficulty and gamer memes >no more dmc, bayonetta has fallen to the wayside >we went from extreme fast paced high octane combat that took massive amounts of technical skill >to fucking slow, clunky combat with ass controls, ass movement, and lots of "stop drop and roll" style gameplay >went from the cool and beautiful gothic sceneries of dmc and the gorgeous scenery of bayonetta, the architecture and level design superb and fun to play around in to the tune of amazing music that gets your blood flowing >we now have nothing but sickdark fantasy shit with weird for the sake of weird freak monster designs roaming dark shitty areas, no platforming elements or any real puzzles, roaming sickdark forests and helldark castles and filthdark towns, all to the tune of slow shitty generic orchestra music
Fuck Souls series, and fuck that it got so popular instead of new real action games we get shit like lords of fallen, nioh, and surge.
Hey soulsfags, take a look at some actual well done level design and aesthetics
Angel Gomez
dark souls killed the action game genre by making people think they want slow boring combat
Zachary Baker
I don't think the souls games are really comparable to those
Ryder Walker
That because souls game sucks, that's why
Caleb Davis
>we went from extreme fast paced high octane combat that took massive amounts of technical skill hahahahahahahahahahaha ha
Noah Morgan
DMC. >Mashers wet dream. >Every difficulty can be mashed through including Son of Spurdo. >Boring lifeless enemies. >Boring lifeless bosses. >Boring lifeless levels. >Boring lifeless music. >Retarded 90s edgy Mary Sue protag for children. >Overall a single player Mahvel practice simulator with shitty enemies and bosses that plod about lifelessly waiting to get launched even on DMD while the game has zero emphasis on defense or situational awareness.
DMC music is garbage, but so is the music in all Souls games. It's all shit.
Henry Kelly
DMC, Bayonetta etc take place in large arena's with little to no environmental dangers, this free's up the combat to be combo focused. Souls on the other hand (while not so much nowadays) typically has more claustrophobic environments with sheer drops etc, combo's simply don't work that well in Souls and generally aren't needed.
David Wright
>deep games >DMC, Bayonetta, MGR
Christian Cox
Dark souls is an adventure game though. Only complete morons like you try to play it as an action game.
Kayden Hughes
but muh loooooooooooooore
Chase Powell
but souls games have good level design and platforming elements in dmc games have always been crap
also that technical skill amounted to playing against yourself, not the enemies. i always felt dmc games were quite cold experiences with all the juggling etc.
even the most technical games featured stop drop and roll gameplay constantly, like ninja gaiden.
Xavier Johnson
Fuck off with this bait, everyone told you last time: >DMC series, Bayonetta, MGR These games/series are not in the Souls genre at all and have nothing to do with Souls, much less get affected by the series. Fucking Skyrim is closer to Souls than DMC. Maybe take it up with Bloodborne fags on that one, they are the "crazy souls" wannabes.
Jackson Cook
>assblasted cyberpunkfag still hasn't given up
Andrew Morgan
Weeaboo game for losers and niggers, go to YouTube and look up DMC videos, 80% of them are niggers.
Don't compare this garbage to god tier game franchise like Souls.
Henry Ward
>liking that music
I wish I was 18 again.
Jayden Butler
I like both
Nathaniel Morgan
my fucking ears user have mercy
Levi Brooks
You made this thread yesterday
Fuck off
Dark Souls is the future of ARPG
Kevin Thomas
I know he's a baiting faggot, but the thing is, the success of the Souls series has caused games " on the fence" about their action content to lean Souls-ward, rather than in the stylish action direction. Souls is like Bamham in that regard.
I mean, yes, I agree, Souls and DMC are not the same kind of game, categorically.
But if it were made in a post-Souls gaming landscape, "Darksiders II" would have been a very, VERY different game.
Souls is the reason Nioh isn't just Ninja Gaiden Black: White Guy Edition
I do think that the action-adventure and action-RPG genres will suffer for the fact that they're no longer gonna ATTEMPT any sort of DMC-esque system, preferring Souls ripoffs instead.
Hopefully Nier Automata does better than Nioh and we see a curve back in the DMC/Bayo direction for these types of games.
>also that technical skill amounted to playing against yourself, not the enemies. Even though this is meant to be derogatory, I think it perfectly captures what makes DMC such a fantastic and unforgettable series of games.
They're never obscenely difficult, but you can ALWAYS get better at them. The skill ceiling is in the stratosphere, and all the game does is nudge you in the arm and say "can't you do it better next time than you did it this time?"
People have been playing DMC4 for what, a decade, and there's STILL an evolving metagame and skill ceiling? That's cool as hell. The game may not be as difficult to take from "press start" to end credits, but you will spend so much more time getting better at it.
William Edwards
>he didn't play bayo 2 and w101 It's ok user, no need to be mad just because you don't have a Wii U.
Brayden Thomas
I don't think any game weak enough in it's artistic integrity to copy-cat other games and be considered a "souls close" was gonna get funded and made at all if Souls didn't show there was a market for it.
Nioh is the example. That game was in pre-production since 2004 but it never got the go ahead until surprise-surprise, it got the chance to be a Souls close.
Juan Gonzalez
>souls close I mean souls clone. What the fuck. I mean, I'm sorry that the DMC genre wasn't strong enough to fund games on its own. I don't know about Darksiders 2, but many games never see the late of day if they don't promise investors a return. I can only assume Darksiders was mediocre in sales.
If a game has to copy-cat other series, don't blame the series it copies, blame the original series being too weak to stand on it's own.