>playing at 4k
The engine breaks if the game goes past 60 fps
Vsync causes input lag (although it's usually very minor input lag and is only unacceptable in games which are totally broken like the PC port of Dead Space in which Vsync causes input lag of nearly a whole second or more).
The primary benefit of Vsync is simply that it prevents screen tearing. Like you, I sometimes also use Vsync simply as a way of limiting a game's frame rate to the refresh rate of my monitor, so that the game doesn't needlessly heat up my GPU by running at 9000 frames per second. However, this is just because Vsync is the only built-in frame-rate-limiting option in most games, because developers are lazy shits.
Source engine games allow arbitrary user-defined frame rate caps via console commands. Is the Source engine made of secret futuristic alien technology? Probably not, so the only explanation for the lack of such a feature in any game in 2016 is total incompetence and laziness.
>t. PS4
don't worry, you'll call it the best thing ever in a few days once Sony upscales it all for you
>Game's physics engine is tied to it's framerate
>Unlocking the framerate makes everything hyperactive
Why do developers do this?
Renard Leblanc
Some people are simply unskilled at their jobs. Examples include the majority of game developers and nearly half of all medical professionals.
>Renard Leblanc
these arent really hints are they?
Regis Lefebvre?
How are you not getting this?