Highest critically rated game of all time

>Highest critically rated game of all time
>Regularly considered by people to be GOAT
>only sold 8 million copies (rounding up) and the remake sold half that.

Something doesn't add up here...

Other urls found in this thread:


>Quality directly correlates which how many units it sold
You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

There's nothing GOAT about it people are just fucking retarded. I bet most people who call it the GOAT never even played it, fucking casuals who just see the zelda name and remember the game from their childhood.

Fuck Zelda so much. It pisses me off how all the braindead idiots think it's some WOW SUPER AMAZING VIDEO GAME SERIES OMG even though it's basically braindead button mashing crapola

That's the most overrated game.

>the ''best thing ever'' is decided by the smallest chunk of the gaming populace

That sounds pretty retarded to me.

It's a classic and every gamer needs to play it. It might be ovverated by modern standards, like for example breath of the wild is a better game overall. Where oot excels over botw though is iconic moments

Get back to player unknowns battlegrounds

You see OP there was a magical time in videogame history where games didn't need to sell 20+ million copies to be considered good and successful. The market wasn't propped up by an endless supply of casuals who happily bought up whatever #'d installment of a given game when it came out just because that was "the big game to get at the time".

and yet ocarina of time is still fucking overrated garbage normie trash

kys yourself

A nintendo 64 game selling 8 million copies is fucking insane.

Back then 200-300k was considered a good sales number, 500k was a huge successes and 1mil was like mindblowing GOTY material.

It was also released twice on Gamecube as well as Virtual Console.

Art is not about the sale numbers
Yes, original OoT is art

A large chunk of the gaming populace simply doesn't play all that many games.

The real secret to OOT's success is that it was mindblowing to both enthusiasts and casuals.

>if it doesn't sell 100 gorillion copies it's not successful

Kill yourself.



OoT was on the Wii's Nintendo Channel. In order to be on there you have to sell at least a million copies on the VC. Majora's Mask never appeared on there but some suspect it's because Nintendo stopped updating it at some point or other.

user you'll notice I made absolutely no mention of how good or bad OoT itself is. When I said "good and successful" I was primarily referring to the modern stigma people have against low-selling games as if hard sale numbers are a solid indicator of a game's quality.

Don't put words in my mouth. I was just implying that it isn't the best thing ever, never said it wasn't good or successful.

Sold the 4th most of any game on that console and was ?never? bundled with the system.

MM, the sequel, comes in 12th.

> talent


'ccording to wikiped, n64 sold ~33 mil units. OoT sold nearly 1/4 of the console it was released for, which is pretty fucking crazy.

compare that to the xbox 360's 84 mil units and it's highest selling game (ignoring Kinect Adventures for obvious reasons,) being GTA5, which sold 18 mil units on xb360 - a ratio of just over 1/5. ocarina was a fucking phenomenal success for it's time

I still get chills from booting up this game when younger.

There was no internet back then so everyone and everything was less overloaded. The N64 logo appeared and it was dark. The whole game is gloomy on purpose from the very beginning. The intro music sets the mood perfectly to a melancholic but relaxing start. The sound ambience of the game is dark but not edgy, just quiet in the natural cracks of the woods.

The soundtrack is a masterpiece and the way the game introduces you to its world is excellent. Once you get out of Kokiri Forest, which is Link's gloomy childhood the world opens into a vibrant ADVENTURE. You meet awesome NPCs and just fun to read dialogues and interactions. Since the game is handcrafted everything you find is interesting. The first dungeons are great and the world seems happy even if there's impending doom calling close to it.

Then you get to the Temple of Time and things get fucked. Now Hyrules is Racoon City and everything you've saw is gone. The stakes change, the tone of the game changes just enough to let you savor the good and the bad of its world.

Fuck the Bottom of the Well. I love it and fear that shit. Nightmare fuel in a Nintendo game.

Replayed it recently and still holds up for various reasons, and unlike certain games, anyone that picks it up for the first time will love it too. It's just good without compromise.

Windwanker is better


It's almost as if less people played video games at the time.

user, stop, you can't post pornography here

Is this bait? I can think of five other title screens that are far better.

played through it for the first time a few years ago on the 3DS
it really is one of the most fun and well made video games i've ever played and one of nintendo's best

do it faggot

OoT is the greatest game of all time if you happened to be 12 years old in 1998.

Post them chicken
What are you, a chicken?


>tfw you still haven't beaten OoT


>the way the game introduces you to its world is excellent
I really love OoT, I'm gonna have to disagree. The Kokiri Forest sucked donkey dick, though everything afterward starting with the Deku Tree is excellent. The forest is just fucking boring. You just run around like an asshole trying to collect enough money to buy a shield.

Yeah. My enjoyment from replaying it is definitely grounded on nostalgia, but I recently watched my girlfriend play through it for the first time and she was absolutely amazed by it too, and she's not that much into video games. It's a timeless gem.

Metroid doesn't count it's a Nintendo game too in the veins of OT
Get that weeb shit out of here
This one too what the fuck man
Another Metroid how creative, and the sky is blue
Yep, this is a good intro. The game was foreboding Kojima's insanity, though.

>metroid prime
>shin megamble tenbramble chingchong boroo
doctor called - you've got chronic shit taste

Then why do people keep saying Darkstalkers was never successful? It sold over 500k on consoles, and that was on top of making the top 5 of the yearly Japanese arcade income charts three games in a row.

Yeah nigger haven't you ever read a story about adventure? It need to be shown that the MC is unfamiliar with the outside world and only knows of the place he lives.

It's like you retards have never read a book before.

>too in the veins of OT

Come on you don't remember or understand about that.

The idea of the game asking you to collect some rupees is to explore your surroundings with the controls they just introduced to you without a tutorial. Same as finding the Kokiri Sword.

In game design topics, this is what people like about Nintendo (old) games and many forgot how to do. The game is giving you a bit of time to have fun with the controls and find by yourself that you can cut bushes and find rupees like the originals, roll to destroy jars, jump around and swim and THEN you enter the first dungeon ASAP. Once you've done this without an actual tutorial lecture you're set to go into the world. Now you have the basics of exploration, go nuts. This is interesting for the first time and doesn't take long. Unless you were really stunted and dumb.

Still the best Zelda imo

Ocarina Time obviously


Here's a brain teaser:
How can a game be overrated if you can't even mention it without someone calling it overrated?

Super Metroid came before Ocarina of Time so it's no in the veins of it at all because it didn't exist.

Super Metroid's title screen is GOAT.

8 million is incredible, especially for Nintendo because they keep more of the profits.

Is this a metaphoric penis measurement contest?
Because I metaphorically fuck you in the ass and beg me for more
Metaphorically speaking

Wonderful post, though the game doesn't really open up until after you met Zelda at Hyrule Castle. I remember how amazed the child version of me was at Hyrule Field in the late 90s, but replaying it now, I realize that the game kinda funnels you all the way from the start and until you get Zelda's autograph. After that, however, it really opens up, even more so than ALTTP. It's a timeless classic, with some very blatant wrinkles here and there, but the magic is still there.

The game really had two golden ages. One was the initial release on the N64, but it had something of a renaissance when kids born in the late 80s and early 90s started frequenting the internet around the mid 00s. I have both nostalgic feelings for the game as a child, and for the phase when internet autists obsessed over finding the Triforce, beating the running man, and unfreezing Zora's Domain.

There was a period when Majora's Mask experienced a great renaissance too, which was sadly fueled by all the wrong things, like creepypastas and faggy game theories. For a while, everyone Majora's Mask's dick, while decrying Ocarina Of Time as overrated trash. Thankfully it seems to have evened out, as the internet at large seems to recognize the grandeur of both games. I honestly think that Egoraptor's video on Ocarina inadvertently reanimated the love many feel towards the game.

would you watch the pilot?

This show was pretty good in the first season IIRC
Suddenly it got really imbecile and loaded.

that game is the biggest normie twicth streaming trash ever, worse than fucking league

even with the first person lock? I figured that'd dissuade at least a few streamers

>The whole game is gloomy on purpose from the very beginning

Before you even start playing you get a cutesie music as Navi flies in first person making squeaky noises and then she finds Link and calls him a lazy kid.

I Got PUBG because my friends wanted me to play with them.

It's an ok game. I seriously don't understand how something so random got so popular. It's fairly polished for what it is, ignoring the obvious tech faults that will get patched eventually, but besides that, it's just a thing... there.

Really seriously don't get how it got so big. It's mostly walking and dying randomly or walking, killing one dude or two and dying in 10 minute sessions to 20. It's a lot of no input time.

That doesn't make Link's premonition and other parts of the game, not gloomy.

>The game starts talking about a war and fire, and how orphan kids got abandoned in great massacres some time ago

I think it's ok to break the tension now and then.
And it's not like Navi is a meme Claptrap character blasting dubstep in your room, it's just a fairy character.

That you are a retard?

Majora's Mask got on Wii VC and I've never heard about the 1 million requirement. There's no fucking way Tactics Orge sold 1 million and that got on VC.

Keep enjoying CoD 95 or whatever Phayget

>break the tension now and again

You haven't even started playing.

But you already started
Because you pressed start

>it's basically braindead button mashing
You had me up until that point

>Critics claim they had an unparalleled influence on philosophy, science, and religion
>Regularly considered by people to have laid the foundations of western culture
>Barely anyone reads their works

Something doesn't add up here....

>that shin megami tengay intro

Im the same position, but its success is not random. They put the game in the hands of key streamers and modeled the game around them.

I want to hate for that fact alone but its fun, and the zombie mode (96 unarmed against 4 armed) is gonna be huge.

>is gonna be huge.
No it's not.

>there was a magical time in videogame history where games didn't need to sell 20+ million copies to be considered good and successful.
By the time Ocarina of Time came out, Super Mario Bros. was still the best-selling single-platform game of all time at 40 million units.

>The market wasn't propped up by an endless supply of casuals who happily bought up whatever #'d installment of a given game when it came out just because that was "the big game to get at the time".
Ah, so you're underage and an idiot. Got it.

>sure buddy

why does Sup Forums constantly feel the need to tear down games with great reputations. like, nothing you say is gonna change how it's perceived

you're like faggot college freshmen desperate to prove your film cred by saying Citizen Kane is overrated or Tarantino sucks

>I bet most people who call it the GOAT never even played it, fucking casuals who just see the zelda name and remember the game from their childhood.

How the fuck does this make any lick of sense?

you can't compare sales of a game with the sales of another game that came out more than a decade later.

you also need to take into account that the number of gamers back then was considerably less than it is now.

furthermore, just to cover our bases, you can't compare the sales of, say, a console exclusive with the sales of a multiplat, seeing how a multiplat would cover a larger demographic of consumers.

there are a lot of factors that a shit posting retard like yourself isn't taking into consideration, so please, do us all a favor and go castrate yourself, your kind shouldn't breed.

>why does Sup Forums constantly feel the need to tear down games with great reputations. like, nothing you say is gonna change how it's perceived
There's a lot of jokes around here about it but this place is really flooded with losers. Plain pity and jealousy.

Just for comparion sake, how many copies of FF VII sell?

yeah, 'cause only learned scholars read their works, just as only dedicated gamers would play a game like OOT, OP is just nu-gen casual trash.

MGS 4 has a better title screen than MGS3

some "sacred cows" deserve it, especially recent actual overrated games like Uncharted 4, Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite, but calling a classic like Zelda OoT or MGS3 or RE4 overrated or bad is just...like, ok, nobody cares

A quick google says 10 million by 2010, so comparable to OoT and a "big deal" at the time, as far as video games were concerned.

Really 8 million in sales for an N64 game was nothing to scoff at. That was 20 years ago. This thread is retarded.

>the gaming market was as large in 1998 as it is in 2017
Kids these days are retarded in mathematics.

FF was multiplat, not exclusive.

Agree and for real reals nobody thinks Bioshock Infinite, TLoU or Skyrim are some higher form of art.

Yeah it's considered so overrated by a popular majority at this point that it's ironically underrated

Didn't SMB come in a Nintendo bundle though?

> established, multiplat franchise in an era where everyone and their mother has some form of gaming rig

It's not the same and you know it

I guess you are right.

hard to deny that

Honestly, it was mostly kids who never even played it. I remember people only played GTA 3 and they all said shit like that was better because it was more "mature"

I would argue that at the time OoT first came out video games on a whole werent as trendy as they are now, so sales numbers werent as high as they would be in the modern era.

So the ammount of OoT copies sold back then was considered a big deal because other games sold even less. In modern day, there are more people buying games, so a GOTY now would sell more copies.

Multipat? Didn't the pc version come out in the early 2000's?


The quintessential s0nygger child.

Lots of people, like me, never played Zelda (PlayStation/PC gamer) but got into it because of the meme's. Ocarina of Time is a fucking masterpiece. I'm an outsider. A newfag to Zelda. But even I must admit that game is fucking marvelous.

OOT is one of those games where both negative and positive opinions set you up for some shit flinging. Don't like it? You're a contrarian. Like it? You're a biased fanboy. Etc etc. Sometimes not even a neutral opinion can save you from sparking a debate on the matter.

Is there any topic/game that doesn't make this happen? Even a niche franchises like, say, SMT, gets constant fights about which series is the better one and which platform they should stay on. The only games that don't inspire fights are the REAL niche ones like the Icepick lodge games... at the cost of barely having active threads

But anyway OoT is fucking amazing and i played it only a few years ago for the first time. Made me feel like a child again

Yeah, the only games it doesn't happen for are the Games You Can't Post On Sup Forums titles because instead of any real discussion you just get nonstop shitters posting memes.

>This post

Fuck, I wish we could go back to a time before mainstream internet, when most people really just used it when needed.

Now it's all 5 minute quick-cut YouTube videos and checking the news feed, (You)'s and other quick dopamine hits. Gaming reflects this too, psychological constant reward skinner box bullshit. The internet has ruined me and my attention span, I fucking hate it. Playing stuff like Ocarina of Time was such a wholesome rewarding experience, you didn't just enjoy it second to second, you walked away from it feeling fufilled, like you've unironically been culturally enriched.

We need to go back.

Imagine if OoT was the last Zelda game, and then Nintendo just abandoned the series like Little Samson or Star Tropics.

Like "well we've hit a zenith, no use making more."

As a fan of the NES Zeldas I would have been incredibly disappointed that it was the final Zelda game

Luckily, after that they made Wind Waker and I saw that there really was no place in modern Nintendo's view of Zelda for me

Nintendo Channel refers to something different. It tracked Big Brother-esque game stats for video games but only once a game hit 1 million.