Assassins Creed is just boring now. No matter how much they change combat or parkour, it's still AC and if you've played one you've played them all except maybe Black Flag.
What went wrong?
ass pirates was actually just an expansion of the ship missions in 3.
>Expose area of map
>Suddenly a million icons appear
They really bogged the areas down with superfluous shit.
Did the murder mysteries make a return in syndicate? That was the best part of unity.
Yeah with an LA norie style interrogation system
Can you provide examples? I thought it was an improvement over AC 3. You couldn't auto assassinate from one target to the next. Different enemy types reacted differently to your attacks, and it took longer to whittle enemies down. It's still possible to become over powered but it's hardly archaic.
>not disabling all HUD elements
you played yourself
>What went wrong?
In general, it was just more of the same shitty AssCreed that everyone was already tired of. It wasn't bad, but it also wasn't particularly good.
If you absolutely love the AC games, flaws and all, you'll probably like Unity. But if you're just looking for a decent game, it's not going to deliver.
Is it me or were the side missions a massive pain in the ass if you were going full stealth mode? I swear to christ they designed these missions specifically around co op, because it is honestly not possible to get past all these fucking guards with hawk vision