Is this the greatest Pokemon to ever exist?

Is this the greatest Pokemon to ever exist?

Reminder this is the only acceptable waifu-mon.

It's funny you say that. Pidgeotto is the reason I got into Pokemon. He was the first monster I saw in the cartoon while my cousins were watching and birds are my favourite animal.
So yes.

Don't mind me, just being the actual greatest Pokemon to ever exist!

What makes Pidgeotto different from all the other birds?

Training your first shitmon to become this cool asshole

he looks like a mozzarella pizza

funny you say that.
For me it was this art of Pidgeot that got me into pokemon. Birds aren't something great in general but I really dig this version, almost super saiyan-ish. Too bad this wasn't the design that was stuck in later versions but it was cool to see when Ash's pidgeotto evolved

Literally just a bird
Waifu pandering
Overdesigned garbage
The exact same bird in the OP but with longer yellow hair

Pokemon is shit

Not even the best bird in the series.

>The exact same bird in the OP but with longer yellow hair
yeah but having yellow and longer hair shows that the pokemon actually grow so that what was great, it even looks fierce and stronger

>that the pokemon actually grow so that what was great, it even looks fierce and stronger
There's no change, he just skipped a few haircuts and they pass it off as an entirely different species.
There should be more to differentiate the two other than hair color.

well the bottom color reaches from face to toes, even the small differences is enough for me. Even if they change it drastically it wouldn't have the same charm to it

No, this is.

TwitchPlaysPokémon - February 2014

If there was a "Woodstock" for the Pokémon fan base, that was it.
And I was there. I was fucking there to witness history.

I really dig aerodactyl design, i think is because it carries both my favorite colors, i don't like the mega form though

I fell in love with this guy. I was turbopissed when I found out he wasn't in sun/moon.

I loved that art as well. I believe his Gold sprite had similar design,so there's that.

>Ghost type with Superpower
So nice.

I also really dig this design. I don't know why, it just looks flawless to me.

call me a karenfag but i love this pokemon. This is the reason why i love Gen 5, because it has this cute pokemon, always carry one in my team and never evolve it, it is my companion

>Ghost type
m8 wut

isn't that pokemon dark/poison?

It's dark/psy assholes.

oh shit, im sorry, i dropped XY halfway since i got bored of it but i knew it had an odd type

It's hydra

Before your thread gets deleted, please don't be such a fucking retard and post this shit here. Pokemon LITERALLY has it's own board.


Porygon is cool but PorygonZ is the best designwise although Porygon2 is the best competitive last time i read

Still the best.
Still Numero Uno.

i don't know why i like Raichu's ears, they are so peculiar, also is interesting how this is the evolution of the mascot but is not that much appreciated

>They pass it off as an entirely different species

It's in the same evolutionary line. Evolution is just a short cut for the creature maturing, or at most, going through metamorphosis.

You guys and my cousins loved Pidgeot;
Shame he was too strong and was necessary he was kept on reserve/storage otherwise he would have make everythhing trivial.

Even worse, they made Raichu a bad guy twice with Surge and that vacation movie thing.


grey charizard is cool I guess

that's a big shame though

Not even the best regional birb

Fearow is much better
>that speed
>always critical hit because of how poorly programmed RBY was
>Drill Peck and Fury Attack all the way

That's not Nidoking. The ultimate display of manlines.

Can someone r8 my team? Going through Gen 1 and dont know who to add as my 6th

you can never fail with a kadabra/alakazam. psychics are mostly OP in Gen 1 and almost anything is poison

i quite like this one

Rai Nigga. It was probably from how based Pikachu was in the old show and imagining if it evolved.
>game and card text say it grounds itself with it's tail
>imagine it wrapped it's tail around the opponent before using thunderbolt

Gengar already knows Psychic though. would feel a little redundant to me

That's not a top percentage Rattata

How can everyone in this thread have such shit taste.

No charizard, mewtwo, eevee or other classics posted?

>shit stats
>asymmetric design

Fuck off, Youngster Joey.

I don't if its the best but this is my favorite Pokemon for 20 years!

>Too bad this wasn't the design that was stuck in later versions
It isn't even the original design. Why would it "stuck"?

You don't count in what i'm going to say but i hate when people use RBY's secondary art when talking about other gens. The first gen was the only one who had the luck of having 2 official arts for every mon. And the original is just as plain and normal as they always are.


Psssh… Nothin Personnel… Kid…

He's bretty cool.

Also I just got White 2 at a flea market what should my team be Sup Forums? What's your favourite Pokes?

not even close. even by starter birds, pidgy line is pretty weak. even the sparrow line is better.

bro for life.

>posting inferior waifumon

Best bird coming through

No it's a fucking asshole that keeps killing my Magikarp.

why is he pink tho. I feel like they mixed up king & queen's colours

be sure to treat your tank well, kiddos.

Heres the best waifumon dipshits


absolute trash looking pokemon

close but you're wrong

Yup, the greatest.

Pokemon based on real animals are the best because real animals were made by God, and thus are perfect.

He is purple

No, this guy is.


This. Stantler is the best Pokemon

2 of your team is also weak to psychic, gengar being one of them (who is probably your best mon too). A psychic type would resist psychic and also have good coverage. Try Starmie with water, electric and psychic coverage.

The best by far

>Charizard and Gyarados
That's pretty boring my dude, the other three are fine though. As for your sixth member, Snorlax is always a safe pick.

Top tier taste

None of anons Pokemon can take a hit besides Nidoking and you're recommending another Pokemon that can't take a hit.

Fuck off furries, you have your own board to yiff in.

Charizard is the best.

Don't mind me, just here to fuck your team up.

Those have always been my favorite.

Hey Pidgeon-fags

What's your opinion on Gamefreak giving your bro a SSJ form?

oh hey is this a bird thread?

No, this is

>tfw I took pijako to level 100
He was destroying everything.

My nigga.


Wow, it's rare that I see this shit actually happen.


Nah nigga. That'd be this legend here.

Good taste
My top 6 are

Mods please there are like 4 pokemon threads

Am I the only one that really likes this one?

Too bad he sucks but I still think its the coolest design

>those tiny legs and hair
So many better pics and you had to chose that one.

I think it's cool.


Yeah also it would be one of the best mons to have. You could save the polar caps if you had one and be the hero this planet deserves.

Posted wrong pokemon oop!

Best Octo, best mon.


>too bad he sucks

What the fuck are you talking about? He's Uber tier while Kyurem-B isn't and basic Kyurem is stuck in the bin.