Suikoden 2 > Trigger
Modern video games are trash compared to classics like Chrono Trigger...
They're both equally good for different reasons.
>True turn based allows you to think of what to do.
Action games allow you to "think of what to do", except they give you much more freedom and expect you do do this faster.
>Actual strategy is involved.
When? Give me an actual scenario in an actual RPG where such strategic thinking happens in a more in-depth way then what occurs in action games and RTS.
>Now of course you can also just mash attack in a turn based game instead of using skills.
Umm, this is such a low standard that you're just shitting yourself. You're basically admitting that the games do generally allow you to play them in such an utterly mindless way and let you get away with it and that you basically have to pretend the case is otherwise and deliberately restrict yourself to make things 'strategic'. But of course, you can do this in every other genre, and get something with even more depth.
>You wouldn't need to grind if you actually used the skills given to you.
So I take it that just doing something other than spamming attack is 'strategy' to you? I mean, there's way more tactical play going on in a match of something like Rocket League, but ok.
>The gameplay in Tales games are shit though.
How so compared to most turn based JRPGs? I mean, I don't even disagree that there are other action/RPG games with better combat.
>No one can match the magic and atmosphere created by these games:
Why not? What changed?
My African American brother
Seems to me like you need to play more JRPGs
>thinking edgy SMT whos only merit is shock value is good
Games turned from a niche product to mass market lowest common denominator
You still get passion projects with every ounce of love and care put into it. Like Yakuza 0, Nioh or sonic mania
Please explain exactly what you mean by "shock value". Where does shock value come into play with SMT games?