You want awful controls play RE5 on PC. It is pure fucking trash.
Anybody still play RE6?
If you want awful controls play the original RE4 PC port.
>the controls are fine, just a bit weird
The fact that they're weird makes them shit.
>You want awful controls play RE5 on PC. It is pure fucking trash
Did you even read the OP? I said I prefer RE5. So no it's not pure fucking trash, it's way more functional and sensible.
>If you want awful controls play the original RE4 PC port.
I did. Don't remind me. Well, I played it with a gamepad but good lord, keyboard+mouse was literally unplayable.
>The fact that they're weird makes them shit.
RE4 has weird as fuck controls too when you actually compare them to other TPS.
Considering it's an 2005 game that's kind of expected. There's no excuse to this madness in RE6.
Pro or No Hope
it is fucking horrible
I thought it was all an exaggeration, but that is not the case
it is really really bad as a whole, and it looks like a management issue, as in having good stuff that does not work well together
The start of the leon campaign was (comparitively) good and felt a little bit more like classic RE but then went pants on head retarded.
Wesker Jr campaign was so badly designed with awful enemies, level design and QTE's out the ass (not to mention the most god awful one liners I've ever heard). It's one redeeming factor was that Sherry was cute af.
Chris campaign was boring, no boulders to punch. Disappointing.
Ada campaign was irredeemable garbage, nothing more to be said here.
>Wesker Jr campaign was so badly designed with awful enemies, level design
I liked the China mansion level. I also had the most fun with Jake's campaign since even though the game and its plot was fucking retarded, at least you could have fun using martial arts to beat up zombies.
>having to fight the trex on hardest 3 FUCKING TIMES