It's shit. Frequently disconnects, speed drops if the washing machine is on.
Use pins in pic if you don't want to drill holes /run cable.
What do you think about this technology Sup Forums?
Do you have coax in your house?
Check out MoCa. With decent modern crimp connectors and rg11, 300Mbit/s speeds aren't unheard of.
I bought my cat6 pre-made so had to drill huge holes through masonry brick to get the connector through. If you drilling through stud walls you can buy a detector to find wires and copper pipes.
>tfw ran cat cable around the outside of my house from the opposite side downstairs to my bedroom upstairs
It was a good choice desu but if you do this make sure the cable is capable of standing up to the weather or you'll have a bad time.
>I do admit when I first did it I was scared shitless I would hit a power cable.
Thats the reason why power cables are enclosed in conduit. As long as you're smart enough to stop the drill once you've realized you hit something hard which isnt the depth of the other sheet of drywall.
is this good enough for a network printer? pls respong
The ones I got with my internet box work fine, far better than wifi. Just put it directly in the plug without any multiplug for optimal performances.
it is
I use one and I love it. It is way better than fucking WiFi.
Is this accurate? That games don't use much bandwith?
In my case i really just need it to be stable, I doubt the game in question takes that much bandwidth.
Fucking this. Worst is when it happens during a game. Literally happens to me every day, 2-6 times, and I don't think anything else is on the circuit.
I finally gave up and went to wifi, even though wifi sucks.
I use it for gaming and would probably prefer it for "serious" gaymen (MOBA, fighting). But be aware it can cut out during a game and not come back for 10 seconds (lucky) or just shit the bed and kick you for 3 minutes. Sometimes when I unplug and replug the powerline adapter near my computer, it comes back sooner.