watch the video twice and practice
watch the video twice and practice
Soldering is easy.
DEsoldering can be a bitch, though. Watch some youtube vids.
what if the tin just rolls off the tip
it's too far gone then. buy another one
Anyone experience with reflow soldering?
I want to buy this board
And fill it with Cree XP-G3s.
Anything I should know before buying everything?
Can I just use a skillet for it?
I don't have a reflow oven and a hot air pistol probably isn't too ideal for a 42 diode board.
I've looked up some tutorials, but there isn't anything indepth.
I assume you've never tried to do tight-ass SMD soldering without a stencil.
Add more flux.
one time i recorded simple tutorial on GPU soldering, here you go
i also recommend looking for proper soldering examples on stockphoto, i think i had couple of them saved
i can't find any videos (man, those were fucking brilliant) but at least i found this fine example of soldering a sponge