There's a whole magical mantra around Apple that is finally fading. In a few years they'll just be another tech company like Samsung or LG. They knew how to market, but as discussions of horsepower and features seep into the lives of average users, the day will come for many where they want a better device, not a better-marketed device.
Apple's target audience has always been people who were technologically braindead. These days, baby boomers are the last demographic of consumers who don't know technology, and even they are picking up on it.
Is it "hate" if it's true?
Alexander Turner
mods can you please ban him again
Ethan Gonzalez
the butt hurt is real
Lucas Young
you guys sure are getting upset over one stupid product
Kevin Reyes
Macs are good for programming and productivity, poorfags will never realize this because they sit around & play games all day
Connor Sanchez
>Macs are good for programming >good for programming >programming >Macs Christ please let this be b8
Jordan Ramirez
>good for programming >one of the shittiest platforms to-do such actions Wew lad
Jaxon Evans
You have no idea what you're talking about, and it shows.
Lincoln Hernandez
Daniel Howard
people are not technology mods delete this and permaban the poster