that's nothing like watching the real game live you stupid fucking nerd
Google announces 'YouTube TV'
I still watch cable TV regularly, even when I'm on my PC (since my TV is slightly to my right.) I doubt many people will fall for this.
I don't get it, Google is BTFOing networks by paying them to stream their content?
Google fiber is still getting deployed. Just because you live in a city of 200 and your sister is your wife doesn't mean the civilized parts of America aren't getting it.
>paying to watch trash
I'll give you 10 bucks. Take it or leave it.
35 a month for fta channels
oy fucking vey!
Not him, but its missing in a few more places than just Hicktown USA.
Has a lot more merrit and potential than fucking Google Plus though.
It's in/being developed in a lot metropolitan areas. It's unfair to say it's dead, it just takes a ton of time and money to build up that infrastructure, especially when the Jews at Comcast block you every chance they get.
>Google fiber is still getting deployed
Nigger they canceled it like 8 months ago. They will build the missing parts with copper because it was too expensive. Of course they will still call it Google Fiber so retards like you fall for it.