Trump FCC Boss Calls Net Neutrality 'A Mistake'

> Rouskas, G.N. (2009). Internet tiered services: Theory, economics, and quality of service. New York: Springer.

You dumb fuck

I'm a super alt right white nationalist justice worrier of 4chen and I'm uncucking this website with my aryan white cumrag.
Last week I even killed my neighbors' nigger dog because it was not white. That nigger dog was being offensive to white dogs and so I uncucked the family with holy alt right shotgun.

Fucking niggers I bet they are jews too.

I just want to point out that the specific protections under the current label of net neutrality did not protect consumers from tiered internet packaging, but it is in the interest of many large web companies to convince consumers that it will be a doomsday when these protections are rolled back.

Sup Forums isn't your safe place, Sup Forums

>r anti-white sentiment perpetuated by the SJWs on the left.

You're still sputing the same crap.

You're the same as a dumb sandnigger.

>This poorly written falseflag
See me after class user.

Fucking nigger enabler

No, but Sup Forums IS your containment board

Ok, now quote the exact part of that source that states your claim. Oh wait, you can't because you didn't actually read it, and the part that uses it on wikpedia states nothing on that topic.

I'm not the one crying about "much evil white people", user