Help a retardo out

> mostly useless
>mfw most desktop computers and laptops in the world run windows
>not targeting the largest use base to ever exist

I said mostly useless outside of ms ecosystem, platform or whatever u like to call it not all the framework itself. I was talking more about . net core.

You can target to ms with Java too and work in the same level, with the same tools that windows...

>Simpler ecosystem
Ohh boy. Java's built in libraries is an absolute clusterfuck by itself. Hell, just the time libs are a disgusting mess of pitfalls. Amd does Oracle even have anything on the level of comfy that nuget is?

It is though. You can dev and deploy .net core on Linux and OSX since last year. It works pretty well and asp on core is amazing.

Yep, I have tried it and certainly is good but not for desktop apps which is my main interest.

>help a retardo do his homework

You obviously haven't tried it recently, I've never had a problem compiling or running anything that's been built on a windows computer.

The default GUI looks like garbage for winforms, but its functional

learn python and C++ instead

Core doesn't have a cross platform gui framework yet, but nothing is stopping you from using QT with it, or doing a client/server thing and having the gui just handle the view.

Long term, I expect Xamarin to end up as a core add-on.

why not just python and c