Dofus/Wakfu: BLACKED Crow edition

Only in the MMO. And people barely play them.
Do we have robo-foggers in comics?

>not maining Harebourg

Attached: harekek.png (134x110, 25K)

>people count the backstory of someone's OC as lore

Attached: 1496501845607.png (215x334, 83K)

>Who is gonna watch it on netflix on April 1st?
Its the only way I'm getting a season 4.

14th for Tot is a hack

How can women wet their vaginas for Joris?

Wasn't that supposed to happen back in december?

Happy Ravioli Day

So how is the english dub for season 3?

Attached: Wakfu.S02E21.1080p.Bluray.DTS.5.1.x264-Bernd_Lauert.mkv_snapshot_14.52_[2018.02.18_15.41.30].png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

It's on Netflix France already.
Is Oropo's voice as nice as his French counterpart?