Fix this series in 3 steps Sup Forums


That's only 1-5 and 9 which is 6/15. Definitely not the majority.

oh yeah, I will take one more step:

-make every game not connected at all. That was a the beauty of FF. Each game was a different world a different setting a different adventure. This is the reason why I really dislike what they did with Legend of Zelda,

>Don't release it on any Sony platforms, which will instantly fix the fan base

In that case don't release it on any Nintendo platforms either.

already done OP

anyone who doesn't realize this is the best FF in years started the series with 7 or 10

Make it handheld only.

They need to be limited by technology to execute a cohesive vision.


Keep the huge budgets of today
Revert gameplay and battles back to FF7 style

If I wanted free-roaming MMORPG shit I'd play World of Warcraft. I want Final Fantasy 10-style goodness back.

Actually I want the battles to be that of FF10. All the other elements of FF7 can stay though.

Just bring back Sakaguchi. He was clearly the only one who had any idea of what he was doing and actually wanted to make great games instead of just selling out to the lowest denominator.