1. add porn ... fixed.
Fix this series in 3 steps Sup Forums
They'll do that at 30
No voice acting
A cohesive plot
1) stop wasting money on terrible pre-game CG movies and anime
2) hire actual writers to make an actual plot with actual characters
3) drop the action rpg kingdom hearts shit
optional, wish-upon-a-star suggestion: make the next main installment a turn-based strategy. games like x-com and FE do well nowadays, do it
>revert back to its roots in terms of gameplay so that its turn-based, simplistic at times yet challenging and strategic when it needs to be
>Then focus time and effort on developing a well fleshed out cast of characters (Heroes and Villains) that help to blend with the setting
>Make the story and game more contained and concise and not so grandiose. This would be to say that these final fantasy games usually use their big budget to design a world that may look interesting within a trailer, but once looked upon in the actual game it seems bland and dull. Instead of trying to create a big towering world they should focus on creating nice cities and areas that are able to capture the player's attention and make them memorable
There you go
fix xv by renaming it to versus xiii
release versus xiii with its original plot and design
apologize to people who waited 10 years
Hire Matsuno and put him in charge
split resources in 3 branches, 1 mainline FF type, 1 large tactical combat style, 1 action adventure kingdom heart style with MORE FF chars
STOP trying to copy other games or to be "number one cutting edge". Just make 2 "good" games a year that will hold the core fans and re-build the brands.
How did you auto correct that far off?
It's too late.
Final Fantasy will be doomed to spin offs, there will be no grandoise Final Fantasy XVI because XV will never recoup its costs.
no they are gonna make these shitty nier and dissida spin offs to make enough money to allow these fucking retards to spend 10+ years designing some shit